
I'm a transplant, originally from vastly underrated Central New York. I make jokes about the area, but it was a great place to grow up. In fact, I loved it so much that I spent most of my adult life working and traveling abroad as an English teacher. I lived in China, Mexico, Honduras, Thailand, and now Poland. But, I love to visit home and I'm always happy to go back and see friends and family.

My childhood dream is to publish a book someday. My mother asked me if I had a back-up plan. For the past several years, I've been hard at work on rewrites and creating new worlds and characters.

When I am not working or writing, I enjoy experimenting in my kitchen and garden, exercising, taking long walks or drives with my husband, traveling, and crafting.

a photo of the author wearing glasses and a red shirt
a photo of the author wearing glasses and a red shirt


I got my start as a copy editor at a now-defunct local newspaper in the Buffalo, NY area. After I left, I let a friend convince me to try teaching English abroad, which I ended up doing for 10 years. I quit teaching in 2021 and went back to what I love doing: writing.

Since then, I've helped clients find their voice in blogs and on social media platforms. I also write food news and cooking articles, and creative non-fiction.

I currently work as a content marketer writing corporate marketing materials — it's quite dry but I like the people and it pays the bills

white and brown desk globe
white and brown desk globe


person cutting vegetables with knife
person cutting vegetables with knife


I grew up watching people cook. My mom is a talented chef, and my dad cooks like, five things really, really well, so I grew up with homecooked meals. A friend's mom used boxed mashed potatoes once and I may have insulted her cooking skills. I feel bad about it now.

My grandmother was also a great cook, but in a very utilitarian way. It never had to look good, so long as it tasted good and filled the hole in your belly. She loved to cook for a crowd and I was always fascinated by her calm demeanor as she prepared Thanksgiving and Christmas dinnerfor 15.

The rest of my cooking education came by way of the rest of my family, all Italian-American and very much into keeping those traditions alive. I remember family reunions with 100 of my aunts, uncles, and cousins of various degrees of separation, perfumed with sausage, peppers, onions, Utica greens, and trays of ziti and rainbow cookies. Heaven.